Showing posts with label pray. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pray. Show all posts


Part One: Is it god or God? A Little Something for the Believers

At one time back in 95-96, during my naive days of accepting church invites without thinking, I thought all believers served the same God, I was wrong. I thought all believers were suppose to act a certain way, dress a certain way, and rightly divide the word the same way, I was really wrong. The truth is not everyone who says, "Oh god, Thank god, Oh my god," believes in God.

Some of the celebrities will say, "Thank god..." after doing a sexually explicit movie, singing a song full of cuss words, or acting crazy in some video, do you really think the one true God had something to do with that? After gambling away money for years and then finally winning something people will say, "Thank god!" Then put all the money back into the casino or lottery again or use it to pay for something that will only need more money to keep it going. Oh there was definitely a god in the midst, but it wasn't the one that put his Son on a cross for our sins!

I use to think this way until I started reading the word for myself and I had to ask God for forgiveness. I was thanking the wrong gods! You see we always think about fat statues and weird symbols being idols but we don't think about things like: material wealth, food, sex, and music being gods and/or idols in our lives. For example, there are people who serve food literally. Praising it often, talking about it too much, and spending just about the majority of their paychecks on it and as they do they are getting bigger and bigger starting to look and smell old just like it! No one seems to say too much about serving the god of gluttony until health problems occur. Too much food, money, sex, entertainment and anything related to these areas without balance and the discernment to separate what's wrong from what is right can be a god in your life!

The only way we can combat temptation is to take God at His word!


One of the Better Emails I Received...

The following prayer is a good one to use if you have some things you wish to repent of, be blessed. As always, if you don't agree, don't read.

Billy Graham's Prayer For Our Nation

'Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says, 'Woe to those who call evil good,' but that is exactly what we have done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values. We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery. We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare.. We have killed our unborn and called it choice. We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable. We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem. We have abused power and called it politics... We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition. We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression. We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment. Search us, Oh God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and Set us free. Amen!'

Commentator Paul Harvey aired this prayer on his radio program, 'The Rest of the Story,' before he died and received a larger response to this program than any other he has ever aired. With the Lord's help, may this prayer sweep over our nation and wholeheartedly become our desire so that we again can be called 'One nation under God...'Think about this: If you forward this prayer to everyone on your e-mail list, in less than 30 days it would be heard by the world. (It's worth a try!) One Nation Under God.


Let Us Pray...

Dear Lord,

Thank you for blessing me with ears to hear, a voice to speak, legs to walk, and so much more that I often take for granted. Thank you for sparing my life! For when I was down and out you were there when no one seemed to care about me.

I appreciate your wisdom, love, truth, and mercy. I know I don't deserve these things but because of your son Jesus that is why I am able to say, Aba Father! Thank you for adopting me into your kingdom. Lord, I want to have a closer relationship with you. I need to experience you just as I do when I am relating to humans. I need for you to speak a word over my life.

Lord, you know the money, relationship, family, work, health, and other struggles I am dealing with at this time in my life, I need for you to bless me with peace. I need to know what direction I must take in the near future to bring happiness to those affected by my decisions and not sadness.

Lord, I command your angels to come down upon those that I know and love and protect them from all harm and danger. Give them a discerning spirit to see trouble coming their way before it gets to them.

Let no weapon formed against me prosper from those who are jealous, angry, confused or bitter concerning me. I ask in Jesus name that you deal with my enemies according to your will.

Bless our government, churches, hospitals, businesses, and schools with the necessary knowledge to perform your will and be a benefit to all and not a burden. Teach those working in these establishments to be better stewards of your resources and have better attitudes about their service.

Thank you for listening to my prayers in Jesus name, Amen.


Money and the Working Parent

Born into the world needy
grew up and became greedy.

First baby boy born
my heart now torn.

Split between job and time
can't seem to save a dime.

Living check to check
a credit card wreck.

Loan upon loan
only a sigh and a moan.

Dirty diapers and cries
the American dream lies.

Hold my limp hand
tired legs can't stand.

Freezer meal junkie
laundry smells funky.

Sink full of dishes
and pot of gold wishes.

Tired husband, wife
feeling the stress and strife.

Nights provide a break
One day by a lake.

Giving up on some things
while the church bell rings.

No more, no more
my heart no longer tore.

Choose between job or time?
My love is above a dime.


Other People's Problems

Minding my own business.

I didn't call you.

You called me, wanting to talk about your problems.
Problems you could have avoided, but you made the choice to ignore wisdom.
Thought that you were strong, but really you were weak.
Subjected yourself to enemy schemes to kill, steal, or destroy your common sense.

I offered my opinion, to this, you talked over me.
Afraid I would say, "I told you so."
Yet, what I did tell you, your ears were closed.
Didn't want anyone to be right but you.

The conversation changes, feeling offended, you start talking about other people.
Ready to get off the phone.
You wish you hadn't called.
I wish I hadn't picked up the phone.
I have my own problems.

So I don't say I will pray for you, but I know I will.
It's not worth mentioning, because you won't listen anyway.


For Those Who Forget To Pray

Walk out the door.
Drive your car.
Talk on the cell phone.
Speak to your boss.
Leave a note for a co-worker.
Go out to lunch.
Read a book.
Complete some paperwork.

You forgot to pray.

When you walked out the door, someone had been waiting to rob your home.
As you drove your car, you missed an accident.
The person on your cell phone, hadn't told you about her plans to commit suicide.
Your boss had planned to fire you a month ago, but you still have your job.
The co-worker you left a note for was responsible for him keeping you.
The lunch you ate today, hadn't made you sick.
The book you read, you could have missed the sale.
Incomplete paperwork would have cost you money and the company.

Yet, He didn't forget about you.

New Audio Spiritual Messages by Nicholl