Showing posts with label bible study. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bible study. Show all posts


Is God whipping or empowering believers?

Too busy to give thought to this question, I understand. But for those who enjoy thinking philosophically, I ask, is the God you serve whipping or empowering his church?

I have personally witnessed God's action and inaction on a personal and professional level in my own life. He has blessed me at the right time to receive something I may have not been ready for during times when I was being whipped. You see, I believe he whips and empowers. I know for some teachers and counselors they don't believe that God whips, but only empowers. If that is the case, then I pose these questions, "Why would there be a need for hell in his Bible, why would he take Job through struggles, kill many Israelites who were in route to the Promise Land, and deal with Adam and Eve in the way that he did?" People were getting whipped in the Bible whether they deserved it or not for purposes that we don't completely understand and it still happens to this day!

Sometimes the empowerment comes from the whipping. Let me repeat that, sometimes the empowerment comes from the whipping! Just like children who disobey their parents' wisdom and face punishment, so do we. The cost at times is very high from losing money to losing a life. Even with all the losses, some people never learn from their mistakes or "on purposes" if you know what I mean. They like to cover up the whipping with blame, false stories, hide, fake smiles and so on. But I know better, I see a whipped woman or man of God a mile away. You can say, "You are blessed and highly favored of the Lord" all you want, but when God whips people especially Christians we can all see it. When I got whipped God called me to write a book about it then turned it around for his glory, wonder what he will do with some of you hiding from his word?

I am amazed at the awesome blessings God gives people and how they are quick to raise their hand and say, "I did it!" What did they really do? A situation that seemed impossible suddenly comes through with a phone call or some cash and the nerve of some people to take credit for a situation that only hours maybe even days ago kept one up worried. "Please pray for me..." they say. Sad, how some have faith in God when nothing seems to be going their way then later have faith in self when everything is going their way.

I don't think God likes this attitude either because just as quick as one feels good about self, notice how he or she often comes down just as fast! God really does want to empower us, but are we ready? Do we pay attention to the writing on the wall? He uses people, places, and things to warn us of impending trouble but yet we argue about what we see, feel, hear, and read. "That's not God...God wouldn't do that...I don't believe God would...That's nothing but the devil..." The truth is the devil doesn't have the power to whip us if God isn't giving him the belt.

I think of those that I have talked to about health issues, money problems, relationship drama, and many other challenges that keep some up late at night and I hear the same thing, "I just want...I need for you to pray...why is God doing this..." Sometimes we can stop most whippings if we change our mindset. Rather, look at the wonderful things of God and act like it (Galatians Chapter 5 for starters.) Instead, many people focus on the negative reported on the following:  TV, radio, Internet, books, and lips who tear others down! It's like looking at a painting, you can either see the line and the dots in the middle of a white board and call the painting ugly, or you can see what looks like hills and raindrops and call it beautiful.

Your life is in the eye of the beholder -- in this case yourself and God. If an individual presents him or herself before God, the world and (of course) self, as nothing more than a gossip, a liar, a thief, a cheat, ugly, crazy, loud, or something else, then expect all the drama and whippings that go along with the negative perception.  Chances are some of you know someone like this and they aren't proud of who they are, that is why they are giving you so much grief! They spend an awful lot of time in everyone else's business. But if an individual presents him or her self, as a child of God, with a purpose, positive, productive, loving, and other positive qualities (irregardless of one's age, what he or she looks like, etc.) then that is what the world will see and so will God!

When you feel good about who you are in Christ, you are therefore empowered to go the distance, but when you find yourself weak and can't stand up against the enemy schemes then God doesn't have to whip you; instead you are whipping yourself.  Consider this, Jesus already took many beatings for you and me.  Don't beat yourself up about people, places and things!  Just do better the next time.  Pray, repent and keep it moving! 

The way you choose to see yourself (flaws and all) is up to you.  Beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder and the God you serve sees himself in you! 

For those of you struggling with seeing the beauty in you, know that you must labor to love yourself.  I wrote "Laboring to Love Myself," a poetry book that reaffirms this point.


No One is Good but the Father

Wisdom isn't well-received by everyone especially people who think that they and their lives are good so they criticize people when they attempt to share their faith, "What do I need a belief system for? My life is good. Christians are sheep they need a shepherd, I don't need one! That's why God gave me a mind and I use it!" These statements are absent of wisdom and hypocritical, because these same people when tragic circumstances come for a visit in their lives affecting self, family and friends, they want people to pray for them and may even go to God themselves with, "Lord if you do this one thing for me I'll..." and they will list promises. Others may buy something holy (like a cross or anointed oil,) attend a church, or send money to a Christian organization, all the while believing that their loved one will get better. People who usually have a hard time accepting wise teachings are those who don't want to change, after all, they think they are good. To listen or read wise information, one will begin to feel a variety of emotions all designed to convict one's spirit to change his or her ways such as lifestyle and harmful habits that may lead them to death. (That's why many denounce the most powerful book in the world, the Bible, because they don't want to change. When reading the Bible the truth looks you right in the face especially the Book of Proverbs!)

Some of the emotions you experience when you read the book of Proverbs and other teachings of the Bible is a desire to want to argue, change the meaning of the scripture, ignore it, or defend your thoughts. For example, Proverbs 16 "We can make our plans, but the final outcome is in God's hands."--New Living Bible. Now a person who thinks he or she is good would definitely not credit something greater as having control over his or her life. Rather, he or she will mock people who believe this and create what sounds like an intelligent argument to back it up. This wise teaching opens up a Pandora's box of thoughts. For instance one may reason that "Whatever plan I make somehow they all come back to God." This scripture also tells just how important it is to seek God for direction when making plans.

In other parts of the Bible wisdom is prevalent such as Romans 3:10 "No one is good-no one in all the world is innocent." -- New Living Bible. Immediately some readers will start with, "I don't agree with that. What about...?" This scripture doesn't refer to your specific situation, your personal experience -- nothing of the sort. But when one can't see past his or her own experience, they will debate and begin to argue using the "what about" defense. However, if you look at this statement on a broader scale and you say how people will throw around the word "good" as if it's nothing more than a simple word, you will find, when examining each and every person closely, such as you, me or they, we aren't good (that's why we need help mentally, physically, and spiritually!)

I continued to read the passage of scripture and noticed Romans 3:11 "No one has ever really followed God's paths, or even truly wanted to." --New Living Bible. How true is that statement! No one has ever really followed God's paths; this reaffirms why we can't be careless when calling men and women of God "good." We also can't assume that everyone who says they are a believer, Christian, disciple, priest, evangelist, a sister or brother in Christ is good.

To call someone good is to put a person on a pedestal. When a crisis comes in a believer or unbeliever's life everyone wants to run to a person they deem "good." But what they don't realize is that they have the same access to God as any minister, pastor or teacher. Go to the ones you call "good" for the training, but ultimately you won't need an intercessor for every matter that comes in your life. At some point God is going to say, "When are you coming to me for yourself?"

This word "good" is not only used amongst believers, but it's also used outside of spiritual groups as well. Your mother may tell you, "Visit this doctor she is good!" A friend may brag about "How good my husband is!" And, a boss may pat you on the back and say, "What a good worker you are!" That's all well and "good!" But just when you believe this flattery that is when something will happen to reduce the praise of this individual everyone thinks is so "good" and increase his or her humility while showing you their flaws.

It just doesn't pay to believe in what man or woman says about others being "good!" When people call you good, just thank them and keep it moving! The minute you allow the compliment of "good" to take over your mind, that is when people will start talking about how bad you are! Instead of keeping it real, keep it humble!


When You Can't Make it to Church...

Sometimes you may not be able to attend church, but thank God for the Internet you can watch and listen to what you need to feed your self spiritually from the comfort of your own home until you can make it to church. Whatever your issue big or small and you need answers, search on sites like You Tube, article sites, and anywhere else God is leading you. Notice I said, God.

I have prayed, spent quiet time alone, and noticed that God will direct me to a site I need right when I need it. Mind you, not every site is religious, spiritual, or Christian. Sometimes there is wisdom in a secular site too! Unfortunately, those internet surfers who aren't spirit filled, don't read and study the Bible, or have no experience worshiping or serving God or haven't in a long time, will not be able to see what God wants them to and may fall into a trap.

You need a discerning spirit to sift through all the junk on the Internet. When you are unsure especially when it comes to spiritual, relationship and family matters, check the Bible. You can conduct a quick keyword search online using the popular New International Version Bible. You may also want to consult with someone knowledgeable about the Bible and ask them to refer you to a site for your study until you comfortable finding information on your own. You see, not everyone's advice is written according to God's will and not everyone claiming to be Christian on some of these sites are really doing God's word or rightly dividing the word of truth.

I learned over ten years ago the hard way, after spending hours surfing on the net one day about the Holy Spirit, I came across this one site that started talking about the lost books of the Bible. The website had stories about Jesus' childhood. It was obvious someone or a group made these stories up because the Bible doesn't talk in specific detail about Jesus' childhood. There were things on the site that I had never heard of and when compared to scripture didn't make any sense because some of the things the writer had mentioned weren't even invented back then! I hadn't heard of these Jesus' stories from any television talk show, news media outlet, etc. but I had heard about the group that sponsored the site and it turned out that they were a cult! If it hadn't been for my experience researching about cults, listening to Christian radio, and talking with evangelists, I would have been mixed up in something I shouldn't have been while spreading false doctrine.

So if you can't make it to church, utilize the resources online, and if your church is on the Internet even better!

God Don't Like Ugly...

I hear the statement often used, "God don't like ugly..." and usually the person saying it is ugly! They may be ugly in what they say to others, critical about everyone else but themselves, have an ugly disposition, or ugly outlook on life.

The latest God don't like ugly statement I heard had something to do with a woman who recently lost her husband. Now the person who talked about this incident, said that the woman was very disrespectful of her mother and therefore because of that her live-in boyfriend of 20 plus years died. I personally thought that if God was going to throw curses to this grieving woman, he would be more concerned about her living arrangements then disagreements between the woman and her mother. I thought of the scripture about honoring one's parents, but no where does it say that one will lose a loved one, instead the Bible says, "For God said, 'Honor your father and mother' and 'Anyone who curses his father or mother must be put to death." Matthew 15:4. Another scripture states, Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you. Exodus 20:12. There is a reward for honoring one's parents and that is added days to one's life. Anyway, so I am listening to this person rant about how she treated her mother and I thought, "This person doesn't know God, because if she did she would be quiet." You see, at times people are very quick to pass judgment, "Do not judge, or you too will be judged." Matthew 7. Another scripture states, "Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven." Luke 6:37. Critics are also very quick to provide an explanation for one's calamities like Job's friends did in the Bible to him. "He must have done was because of your sin the reason why...if you had done...then maybe God wouldn't..." Be careful talking this way, because you never know what God may have in store for you!

Yes, God don't like ugly, so what ugly have you done lately?


Bible Study Gone Wrong

Could it have been a test
I settled for less?

Gave God no glory.
All I had was a story
of how they hurt me
and what I failed to see.
Should have been more careful.
Should have held on to my key.

But I let them all in
while I drowned in my sin.
No one seemed to care
pointed at me in the chair.
Said I wasn't saved
denounced what I had craved.

I wasn't completely clean
but neither were they.
Still a work not finished yet
with a past He let me forget.

Nothing seemed to matter
all I heard was chatter.
So I knew what had to be done
went for the door
but couldn't run.

Someone else held the key
the best part of me.
I had let them in
while drowning in my sin.

Sometimes we make people the idols of our lives and that my dear friend is a sin.
"Thou shall not worship any idols..."

New Audio Spiritual Messages by Nicholl