
Oh God!

Help me through this storm
rain clouds all around,
less feeling up, more feeling down.

Had a thought that made me feel sad,
then mad, and now glad--
brought my burden to you,
but God knows what to do!

I had been carrying emotional ties,
due to believing so many lies.
Folks claimed to love,
but void of the Holy Spirit from above.

Thought I would be okay,
then I realized I had forgot to pray.

Sometimes we lose spiritual insight,
and instead of praying, emotionally we fight.

Pushing away the things we ought to do,
while forgetting about the God who loves me and you!

Nicholl McGuire shares insightful video and writes book, visit YouTube channel: nmenterprise7


Poet Tells of Why She Blogs at

I wasn't always happy about the inconvenience of having to find a piece of paper and pen, then note what comes to my mind.  Sometimes papers get lost, pens don't work, and thoughts disappear as soon as they appear.  I was most appreciative of the blog invention because it helped with making my Internet experience more enjoyable.  When thoughts come to my mind, it is nice to know I can come on Blogger and share what I feel God has moved me to share.

My weaknesses as well as my strengths appear on this site in poetic form.  This is my release when those offline are unkind, uncaring, and uninterested in the people and things of God.  My observations of society and relationships from a spiritual perspective are also on here.  I rhyme to keep from crying at times.  I share what I know to keep people out of the traps that I have fell into in the past.  I tell people stories because there are life lessons worth sharing.  I am happy sometimes when I right and other times I am sad--wishing for Jesus to return soon.

I thank you readers who have been with me over the years and sharing my links--I notice and I am grateful.  For newcomers, feel free to browse my blog and spread the truth.

I leave you with love, peace and happiness.  If you are an event planner or publisher in the So-Cal area and seek poets, let me know by leaving a comment.


Twitter @nichollmcguire

YouTube channel: nmenterprise7

Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic
When Mothers Cry
Laboring to Love Myself
Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate
Floral Beauty on a Dead End Street
Spiritual Poems By Nicholl


Satan Has No Love for the Rich

No love for the sinful rich,
a dark god annoying like an itch.

Fight to keep jealous feelings away,
so I look to God and pray.

Told not to focus on them,
the wicked, rich Them.

Advised it wouldn't be good,
they don't do what they should.

Once leaned on a righteous God to bless,
but now the backsliders don't confess.

Anointed with a false light,
godly things they put up a fight.

Desire to buy everything in sight,
push away God with all their might!

Got plans tonight, got plans,
doing devious things with ungodly hands.

Thought I wanted to be rich,
thought cash would satisfy my itch,
but then I hear people call a rich woman a "B*tch!"

Rich in mind, body and spirit,
Satan has a fit, declares one a misfit.

Deceived lovers of money,
look for thick, sweet honey.

Recruit black and yellow bees,
reminded money doesn't grow on trees.

From the looks of things,
there are plenty of six rings,
while the A-list entertainer continues to sing.

One day Satan will say, "Put up..."
But the blind will ignore and say, "Shut up!"

Give up anything to get something,
hope, wish and pray,
another one will lose a life before a birthday.

Nicholl McGuire

New Audio Spiritual Messages by Nicholl