
Concern for Other Men's Souls

"The Holy Spirit bore witness with his conscience. I am sometimes afraid that our zeal for conversion would not stand the test of the Holy Ghost. Perhaps we want to increase our denomination, or enlarge our church for our own honour, or get credit for doing good. None of these motives can be tolerated; our concern for souls must he wrought in us by the Holy Ghost." -- C.H. Spurgeon, Concern for Other Men's Souls

Top items to have at End-times

No believer (or unbeliever) knows the day or hour, but we do know that God permits natural and man-made disasters to occur, so you best be prepared anyway.

Top items to have at End-times

Message for Christian Truth Tellers, Truth Seekers - Government, The Future & Ten Commandments - YouTube

Message for Christian Truth Tellers, Truth Seekers - Government, The Future & Ten Commandments - YouTube

They Know Not What They Have Done

Vote up vote down,

vote for a clown.

A figure head,
lying in a bed.

A man leader,
for those who have no reader.

Wouldn’t listen to the few wise men,
engulfed in one’s own sin.
Make me feel good,
look good,
I wish you would…
give me this, give me that—
get involved in a spat!

Your view, my few—
religion and politics don’t mix.

Can’t sit down with brothers,
who support those under covers.

Drank from the well that they bring,
listened to the songs that they sing.

Men compromise truth for lies.
Truth tellers they despise.

Angry because you don’t know,
what goes on behind the show.

Pretenders follow Jesus when it benefits them.
Cult members go beyond, go out on a limb.

Many sheep too lazy to think,
won’t even wash clothes that stink.

Sit in front of screens,
Looking for excuses to be mean.

Not really interested in one’s feedback,
got a task list to do, a stack.

Just curious to know,
are there those who saw pass the show,
and what more is there to know? 

Nicholl McGuire author of Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic and other books.

New Audio Spiritual Messages by Nicholl